I modified a tutorial I did last easter for this one.
Cut a piece of double sided cardstock weight paper to 6x6". (I am using Basic Grey's new Kioshi line).
Round the four corners.
Score at 2" and at 4" Take your paper, turn it one turn, and score again at 2" and 4". You should have a tick tack toe pattern of scores, with nine squares.
Fold at your score lines, and cut from side of paper 2" to middle score lines on the top and on the bottom.
Fold it up, punch a small hole
Cut out colored image and adhere to basket
Use stickers or stamps to name the basket for your place setting. At the brunch, I will fill this up with some easter "grass" and jelly beans or something like that.
SOOO Cute!! I love them! :) I wish I had your skills, I would seriously buy everything you make and show on this site! :)
Yippee Skippee! I really like this idea. Thanks!